About Us

Pandanda Partnership started out since the beginning between Pandanda Gang and Pandanda Cheats with AltoBhai, Blowsight10, Kevinice, Lime12101, & Polkagirl919 being members in the official partnership. A few months later, Kevinice quit Pandanda Gang along with the whole virtual world community and Jmann93 came into position as part of Pandanda Gang. Before this, Pandanda News became the 3rd partner of Pandanda Partnership with the owner being Beta Omer.

Since then, we weren't just simply known as Pandanda Gang or Pandanda Cheats or Pandanda News but specifically, Pandanda Partnership (PDPS). As time past, everything was great and we formed a very strong bond as a group since the beginning of Pandanda News official announcement as part of PDPS. A couple of months later, around August 2010, two new members of PDPS appeared in the three sites with actual posts of their own. And those two pandas are known as Skaterjessie and Jaguar. So now we have AltoBhai, BetaOmer, Blowsight10, Jaguar Jmann93, Lime12101, Polkagirl919, & Skaterjessie as part of the official Pandanda Partnership.

Finally in October 2010, two members of PDPS have left due to personal reasons like Kevinice and they were AltoBhai & Jmann93. Leaving us to what we have now with BetaOmer, Blowsight10, Jaguar, Lime12101, Polkagirl919, Skaterjessie as part of the Pandanda Partnership presently. On the next month, November 2010, we created an official group on PandaSpace for Pandanda Partnership and excitingly, we gained over 50 members in just 1 day only with a mini-party to celebrate the accomplishment along with a special announcement about two brand new sites releasement.

Now, some of you pandas probably notice how Skaterjessie and Jaguar never had an actual official announcement of being a main author between the 3 blogs in PDPS. Well, there is an actual organized idea planned out for our 2 newest members to Pandanda Partnernship. :P So as of November 14th 2010, we proudly announce the releasement of Pandanda Partnership Official site along with the 4th partnering blog into Pandanda Partnership called Pandanda Tips that is owned by Skaterjessie and Jaguar! :)

-The Pandanda Partnership
BetaOmer, Blowsight10, Jaguar, Lime12101, Polkagirl919, Skaterjessie

Follow us on twitter @PD_Partnership! Its a free-access to exclusive Mini Parties!